A day in France Blog

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Blogging all over the world February 19, 2009

Filed under: blog,blogger,survey,world — adayinfrance @ 5:06 pm

How many times have you sat there in front of your computer after checking your blog & seen the “next blog” button. You hit it & then you hit it again & again & again until eventually you hit upon a blog written in English. You read it & then you’re back to the next blog button. I do it all the time. Sometimes I start clicking it at 6pm & before I know it it’s 8pm. Addictive?, maybe.

But if I see a blog that I like, I leave a comment. I always look at the “blog of note” each day & if I like it I will leave another comment.
But today on the news it was reported that social networks are inhibiting social interaction.
I don’t think so.
Without these sites would you ever of left or received comments from people from other countries.
When I was young we had pen pals. You wrote a letter, put it in an envelope, put a stamp on it & posted it.
Today, posting is what i’m doing now. It’s just spelt “blogging”.
These people who have been paid to do this survey of social inhibition due to the internet today, should get a life.
I can think of lots of better things the money could of been spent on.
What about………….actually let me know with the poll on the right.