A day in France Blog

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This site may harm your computer January 31, 2009

Filed under: google,human error,stopbadware — adayinfrance @ 6:47 pm

A few days ago, I wrote about gadgets & how to break them. Well this afternoon as many will know, Google search stopped working. At the time I was messing about with my other blogs settings & needed to search for the correct spelling of a word, (please excuse any spelling mistakes on this blog) & you know the rest. “This site may harm your computer” was the only result anyone got. My wife said it should say “My husband may harm your computer”. But it was nothing to do with me(well not this time). Google have stated on their blog that it was due to a “human error”. They receive a list of harmful sites from stopbadware.org to ascertain which sites install malicious software on people’s computers and merit a warning. These are then blocked by Google. Unfortunately some “human” at Google told the main program to block everything. The result was that many many blogs all over the world will have spelling mistakes. A spokesperson from Google has stated that “We will carefully investigate this incident and put more robust file checks in place to prevent it from happening again,” in layman’s terms I think this means the “human” responsible is now another so called victim of the economic downturn.