A day in France Blog

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Internet service sons January 25, 2009

Filed under: apprentice,deal or no deal,France,Internet — adayinfrance @ 5:05 pm

OK my internet connection is now back on. My service provider said they received 73593 calls saying they had a problem connecting to the internet, and the problem seems to have come from the exchange just near me. Must have been a problem there end.

I am now sat writing this blog with a bottle of pays d’oc wine which is half empty. Or maybe half full depending how you look at it. But i’m sure by the end of this blog it will be empty, my spelling will be even worse than normal, & deal or no deal will be over. It’s Sunday evening the kids have still got to finish their homework & I’m still almost sober. Tomorrow is Monday (S**T) and I have a new apprentice starting for the week (S**T), & it’s my eldest son (S**T).
If tomorrow this blog is being written by my wife then you know that I have left home. Either because I’ve got so p****d off with my son, or the internet police have caught up with me for shutting down the internet to western France. But either way it will not be my fault, because neither works as it should.