A day in France Blog

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Heat your family for free March 1, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — adayinfrance @ 6:18 pm

It’s sunny, It’s warm & the French papers say that spring will be ending on Monday.
I don’t care. I sat on the terrace this afteroon, took my jumper off & my brilliant white skin blinded everyone.
No it was a very nice, 18c in the shade & if the French papers are correct that spring is ending on Monday then that means summer is next, or have I missed something.
As a standby, I have lit the wood burner & turned the heating on for the evening.
I have also decided to cook the family Mexican chicken fajitas tonight for a bit of internal central heating.
Normaly anything spicy I cook starts with hot mouth, hot throat, hot stomach & in the morning you melt the toilet.
But I have promissed the kids I will not to go to hot tonight, because normally every time I do chilli for them, the shares for Andrex double the next day.
I’ll let you know tomorrow how it went.


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