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Jade Goody the truth February 21, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — adayinfrance @ 6:32 pm
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Many celebrities invite the press & media into their lives when they have something to promote, new single, new film, new program etc. Then when the press & media continue to follow them after the promotion, they get very upset & call it intrusion.

I once heard Will Smith being asked “fame & wealth must be great” he replied “wealth yes, fame not so much”.
So what about if you’re famous but not so wealthy, should you court the press & media to increase your wealth. Normally I would say no, but in the case of Jade Goody I am going to say “good on ya”. The press have had a field day with her in the past, they had reduced her to a figure of hatred. But now she has turned the tables. They want the big story & she knows she has it. So for the financial security of her kids she has courted the press & media & has come out on top. One million pounds is the reported amount for covering her wedding. For many of the major celebrities this would be a drop in the ocean, but for her, shes willing to die publicly for it. The press & the media should club together & raise as much money as they can for making her look as bad as possible in the past & give it to charity, & show they’re not as heartless as the public think they are.

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