A day in France Blog

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Getting old too quick February 17, 2009

Filed under: family videos,kids,videos — adayinfrance @ 6:08 pm

I’ve been transferring some old videos from cassette onto DVD today. Mainly videos of the kids when they were young. It’s amazing what you forget you recorded all those years ago. Watching them back, you realise just how young they once were. & if the camera happens to swing around onto you, then you think “my god where did that person go”.

I have also just put our wedding video onto DVD, & when you look closely at the bridesmaids & page boy, you notice that although they were tiny then, they now have kids of their own, & it scares the life out of me.
My kids have sat for hours this afternoon watching old videos of themselves, & have laughed all the way through. I However walked into the bathroom after watching my wedding video again, looked in the mirror & nearly cried. Because the man who married my wife isn’t here any more.
Then I watched the video of the kids when they were little & I did cry.
Because I was sure it was only a year or two ago. But now I’ve worked it out it was over 10.

2 Responses to “Getting old too quick”

  1. Akim Says:

    You’re as young as you feel, Nerrad, we’re all getting old too quickly, but hey, think about all the good times!
    And Lisa, enjoy you’re nearly 31, your still young! Happy nearly birthday!

  2. Lisa Says:

    Aw. I feel the same way when I see old photos of me and stuff. Things were so simpler when I was younger (didn’t let anxiety control me and even though I got made fun of all the time, I still had to go out and be in the world). Seeing my parents younger and the places we used to live is always hard, too. Life goes by way too click. I’m almost 31 now, but it doesn’t feel like I’ve been around that long.

    Anyway, I’m sure you’re still the same person inside and that’s really all that counts. 🙂

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