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Tuesday morning blues for Barack Obama January 19, 2009

Filed under: Barack,Obama,people,presindent — adayinfrance @ 6:35 pm

Is it going to be Tuesday morning blues for Barack Obama tomorrow or just another day at the office. I wouldn’t look forward to taking over the job of running a country at the moment, given the financial & terror problems.

But Tuesday is not his D day, maybe it’s going to be BB day, Black Barack day.
My kids constantly bombard me about calling him the first black president of America. But as all the news channels and papers are also saying it, I suppose in this case it must be alright to use to word black. We are told over & over again that using the word black is not a good thing (mainly in the UK).
My kids see this on the TV & this is why they are now confused when all the news channels are using the word to describe a person, & not just any person, the next president of the United States of America.
The only thing I can say to them is that, people all over the world are different colours. But they are all people the same.

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